About us

Parabola is an online magazine (ISSN 1446-9723) published by the School of Mathematics and Statistics UNSW Sydney, since 1964. For a brief history of Parabola, see our History page. Our web presence began in 2009 with the Parabola Online Project, initiated by a grant from the U-Committee of UNSW. In 2014, the redesigned website was launched.

Journal Scope

Parabola publishes articles that can contribute to the teaching and learning of mathematics at the senior secondary school level or equivalent, in the areas of applied mathematics, mathematical modelling, pure mathematics, statistics and the history of mathematics. The journal's readership consists of mathematics students, teachers and researchers with interests in promoting excellence in senior secondary school mathematics education - as well as anyone else who is interested in mathematics. Contributions to the journal are invited as scholarly articles, surveys and problems subject to approval by the editors and editorial board. Parabola is keen to encourage a wide range of contributions, particularly from but not limited to, educators and students at secondary and tertiary levels.

Get more information on how to submit an article.

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