Year 1991 - Volume 27

Abraham Berman
This article is a revised version of a talk given to the Mathematics Club at the Technion, Israel's Technological University and subsequently printed in Etgar-Gilianot Mathematica, the Israeli version of Parabola.

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Abraham Berman
This article is a revised version of a talk given to the Mathematics Club at the Technion, Israel's Technological University and subsequently printed in Etgar-Gilianot Mathematica, the Israeli version of Parabola.

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Brian Jeffries
The development of quantum mechanics earlier this century was a joint effort by a number of physicists, of whom E. Schrödinger and W. Heisenberg figure prominently.

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Here is a puzzle to end all puzzles.

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Q.817 Find all integers x,y such that
x(3y−5)=y2+1 .

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Carol Moellers
I know what I am - I'm an actuary. But how many other people know what an actuary is?

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James Franklin
It all started (as we keep saying) with the Greeks. In this case with a certain Eubulides, philosopher-about-town in Athens of the 4th century BC.

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Adrian Banner
Since 15 across is a 2 digit cube, and an integer, it is either 27 or 64. Assume that it is 64.

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Senior Division
First Prize:

Bein, Kendall James Ruse Agricultural High School

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Alice's and Bert's ages combined total 11016 days.

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Q.840 (i) Let α,β be two distinct solutions of
Simplify α2β+αβ2−αβ .

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Q.829 (i) let c be any integer. Show that the remainder when c2 is divide by 4 cannot be either 2 or 3 .

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John Blatt
Early in the 17th century, Johannes Kepler established, from actual observations of the position of planets in the sky, three laws of planetary motion.

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Peter Brown
In experimental science in past eras data was collected from an experiment and some relationship between quantities in the form of equations was sought.

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Q.852 If a1,a2,⋯an are positive real numbers and a1+a2+⋯+an=1 prove that
n∑k=1 (ak+1/ak)2≤(n2+1)2/n.

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Q.840 (i) Let α,β be two distinct solutions of
Simplify α2β+αβ2−αβ .

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