Year 1983 - Volume 19

Issue 3

John Loxton

There are essentially only two operations involved in the encryption of a message: substitution and transposition.

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Peter Petocz

Ring a-ring a roses,
A pocketful of posies,
Atishoo, Atishoo,
We all fall down.

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Over fifteen years ago, mathematics students from different countries began meeting for an annual competition called the International Mathematical Olympiad.

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There were once again some interesting problems in the 1982 H.S.C. Turning first to some extreme value problems, starting with the 3 unit paper.

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Q.551 Solve the system of equations

u 2 + v 2 + w 2 = 49 1 u + 1 v + 1 w = 0 u v + w = 1




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Q.527 On a sheet of paper we read the following 100 statements:


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John Price and Matthew Price

The game Scissors, Paper and Rock (SPR) has a long history. One famous contest took place in the pages of You Only Live Twice by Ian Fleming and resulted in our hero James Bond defeating the inscrutable Tiger Tanka.

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A while ago we received a short article from one of our readers, Tim Bedding about some features of this celebrated ratio.

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6 positive whole numbers  A , B , C , D , E   and F  satisfy  A + B = 29 , C + D = 45 , E + F = 65 , A C = 36 , B E = 312 . Find A , B , C , D , E  and  F . Show there is only one solution to the equations.

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This term we will contentrate on complex numbers, and solve problems from the 1981 and 1982 4-unit papers.

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Q.563 In the figure,  X  and  Y  are the centres of the circular arcs  A B  and  A C  respectively, and  A  is the centre of the circular arc  B C .

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Q.539 From the set of whole numbers  { 0 , 1 , 2 , , 999999999 }  two are selected at random. What is the probability that they differ by a multiple of 10000?

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John Loxton

According to Francis Bacon, perfect ciphers may be recognised by the following virtues: "that they be not laborious to write and read; that they be impossible to decipher; and, in some cases, that they be without suspicion."

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In 1981 and 1982 there were some 4 unit questions on the conical pendulum.

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Geoff Ball

The 1983 International Mathematical Olympiad was held in Paris in July.

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In the Junior Section of the competition there were three questions which were fairly easy, two rather difficult, and one impossibly so.

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Scot McPhie of Kings School Paramatta, has written asking for help in writing a programme for the Apple computer.

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Alex Reichel

There is much interest in the origins of science, with a view to understanding the creative process of the human mind.

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Q.576 The game of Yellow Pigs is a favorite pastime at Hampshire College's Summer Science Training Program.

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Q.551 Solve the system of equations

u 2 + v 2 + w 2 = 49 1 u + 1 v + 1 w = 0 u v + w = 1


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