Year 1982 - Volume 18

B.C. Rennie

For hundreds of years, it was accepted in international law that the territorial waters of any country extended three miles from the shore.

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Elvin J. Moore

The knapsack problem is a simple example of a type of "integer programming" problem which is frequently met in the field of mathematics known as Operations Research.

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The new format of the 4-unit paper contains provisions for a number of harder questions on the 3-unit syllabus, as well as questions on the 4-unit material.

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Andrew Jenkins

I have recently discovered a diversion which may be of interest to readers.

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Catherine Playoust

We received a letter from Catherine Playoust, aged 12

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Q.515 I have two different integers  > 1 . I inform Sam and Pam of this fact and I tell Sam the sum of my two numbers and I tell Pam their product. The following dialogue then occurs:

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Q.491 Find a four digit number which becomes nine times as large if the order of digits is reversed. that the territorial waters of any country extended three miles from the shore.

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A. K. Austin

I was spending the weekend at Woodful Towers when a wealthy old Sir Joshua Woodful was horribly murdered in the library.

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E. Szekeres

Transformations is a collective name for several different methods in Geometry.

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Suppose we enter a number,  a b c say, in a calculator and then repeat it to get  a b c a b c . Now divide by  13 , 11 and 7 . The calculator will always display the original number  a b c why?

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Q.527 On a sheet of paper we read the following 100 statements:

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Q.503 A rectangle 11cms × 7cms is divided by ruled lines into 1cm × 1cm squares, each containing a button.

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Gavin Brown

Perhaps the first law of motion should say "what goes up and comes down must have stopped to turn round".

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Esther Szekeres

In my previous article about geometrical transformations I have described two methods, namely parallel translation and similarity transformation.

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John Loxton

The art of writing secret messages, intelligible to those who are in possession of the key and unintelligible to all others, has been studied for centuries.

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Some interesting applications of calculus appeared in the 1981 3 unit and 4 unit papers. Firstly two geometrical extreme value problems:

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Q.539 From the set of whole numbers  { 0 , 1 , 2 , , 999999999 }  two are selected at random. What is the probability that they differ by a multiple of 10000?

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Q.515 I have two different integers  > 1 . I inform Sam and Pam of this fact and I tell Sam the sum of my two numbers and I tell Pam their product. The following dialogue then occurs:

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