Year 1967 - Volume 4

We are all familiar with the fact that every real number can be expressed as a decimal (or has a decimal expansion). Such expansions are of course useful in allowing an easy comparison of the size of numbers, convenient addition, and so forth.

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J81 The lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle are natural numbers. The length of one side is 14. Find the lengths of the other sides.

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J71 Find a four digit number which on division by 149 leaves a remainder of 17 and on division by 148 leaves a remainder of 29.

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To grasp the nature of the contents of this article, consider the four figures in the diagram.

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J91 (i) Find all whole numbers such that when the third digit is deleted, the resulting number divides the original one.

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J81 The lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle are natural numbers. The length of one side is 1414. Find the lengths of the other sides.

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Two runners start on a straight one mile race track. The slower runner S is given a handicap and starts first.

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A theorem of twentieth century mathematics which must surely earn a place in any list of the great theorems of mathematics, is the theorem of Kurt Gödel concerning the existence of undecidable statements in formalised arithmetic.

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J101 In n is a positive integer other than 2,32,3 or 55, any square can be dissected into n smaller squares.

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J91 (i) Find all whole numbers such that when the third digit is deleted, the resulting number divides the original one.

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If a,b,c, are any three numbers show that

a 2 + b 2 + c 2 a b + b c + c a

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