As the new editor of Parabola I would like to express my gratitude to all those past contributors; editors, members of the editorial board, members of staff in the School of Mathematics University of New South Wales, and readers, for leaving this wonderful legacy with which I am entrusted.
As the new editor of Parabola I would like to express my gratitude to all those past contributors; editors, members of the editorial board, members of staff in the School of Mathematics University of New South Wales, and readers, for leaving this wonderful legacy with which I am entrusted.
Peter Donovan
The previous article by Milan Pahor deals with the scoring system in tennis and shows that it tends to magnify differences in skill.
David Angell
Let's begin with a puzzle.
Peter G. Brown
When asked what mathematical result they remember from High School, the average person would probably reply with Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Q1131. Suppose A and B are two equally strong tennis players. Is it more probable that A will beat B in three sets out of 4 or in 5 sets out of eight?
Q1121. Prove that g(x)=30x3+80x2+72x+66 is irreducible over the integers by showing it has no roots modulo 13 . What are the roots of g(x) modulo 7 ?
This issue of Parabola contains two articles on symmetry.
Teresa Bates
What do the following objects have in common? The set of complex numbers of modulus one; an equilateral triangle; a water molecule.
Luis Fernando Velez Ruiz
Many of us have been delighted with the extraordinary geometrical forms that can be constructed with the seven pieces of the rectangular or the square tangrams.
A cow is inside a square field. Its distances from the nearest three corners are 30m, 40m and 50m. What is its distance to the furthest corner, and what is the size of the field?
Prize Winners- Junior Division
First Prize
Yu Heng Lau James Ruse Agricultural High School
Q1141 In the 2003 cricket XI there were 7 boys who had been in the 2002 XI, and in the 2002 XI there were 8 boys who had been in the 2001 XI. What is the least number who have been in all three XIs?
Q1141 In the 2003 cricket XI there were 7 boys who had been in the 2002 XI, and in the 2002 XI there were 8 boys who had been in the 2001 XI. What is the least number who have been in all three XIs?