Year 1971- Volume 7

N. V. Williams

It has been said that "behind every great computer there is a great memory". As with most sayings, of course, this is not the whole story.

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M. Greening

As will be known, when we write 12 7 (modulo)  5  we are expressing the fact that both 12 and 7 have the same remainder when divided by 5.

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J141 The real numbers a , b and c are such that

a 2 + 4 b 2 + 9 c 2 = 2 a b + 6 b c + 3 c a .
Prove that
a = 2 b = 3 c .


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Solve for x , y and z the simultaneous system of equations

x ( x + y ) + z ( x y ) = a , y ( y + z ) + x ( y z ) = b , z ( z + x ) + y ( z x ) = c ,


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J131 (i) How many lines equidistant from three given points can be drawn in the plane?

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J. Blatt

Early in the 17th century, Johannes Kepler established, from actual observations of the positions of the planets in the sky, three laws of planetary motion.

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G. Szekeres

A Mersenne number is an integer of the form 2 p 1 where p is a prime.

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x and y are unequal positive integers. Prove that xy does not divide x^2 +y^2$.

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1 + cos ( x ) = 1 + ( 1 sin 2 ( x ) ) 1 / 2 ( 1 + cos ( x ) ) 2 = { 1 + ( 1 sin 2 ( x ) ) 1 2 } 2

x = π

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"Murgatroyd's Mind-stretchers" by J. and F. Pinkney

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Suppose you have two glasses; one contains water and the other contains the same amount of cordial.

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J151 (i) Prove that if k is not a prime then neither is 2k1

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J141 The real numbers a,b andc are such that

Prove that

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Peter Donovan

This is an account of some elementary aspects of the subject known as "algebraic topology". It investigates the placing of nets on surfaces and Euler characteristics.

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Richard Jermyn

This machine is easily constructed from scrap material, using simple tools.

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Despite appearances, the following subtraction is wrong:

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Peter Donovan

The following problem was considered for publication in Parabola, but rejected as the editorial committee could find no reasonable way of solving it.

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Malcolm D. Temperly

The following is a poem which describes how to solve the problem of these instantly insane blocks.

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M. G. Greening

Man seems to have known of Pythagoras' Theorem since the early days of civilisation, although the Greek geometers were the first to provide a logical proof.

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R. James

Since the last Parabola went to print, the following people have submitted answers.

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In a certain country the number of boys born is approximately equal to the number of girls born.

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While participating in a census, a census-taker arrived at a certain house in a certain street and proceeded to question the woman who answered, as to the number and ages of the occupants.

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Essentially this reduces to proving that x|y and y|x simultaneously implies that x=y which is a contradiction.

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"Men of Mathematics Vols 1 & 2" by E.T. Bell.

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J161 Find a whole number, N, satisfying the following conditions:
  (a) N is the product of exactly four distinct prime numbers.

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J151 (i) Prove that if k is not a prime then neither is 2 k 1

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