Year 1966 - Volume 3

N. Smythe

Two of the most important branches of modern mathematics are the fields of Algebra and Topology.

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G. Szekeres

From the earliest times of its development, geometry has offered a number of difficult and quite puzzling problems which remained unanswered until comparatively recent times.

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J51 Prove that a number which consists of 3n equal digits is divisible by 3n.

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J31 Prove that, given five consecutive integers, it is always possible to find one which is relatively prime to all the rest.

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J. D.
Dixon Before reading the rest of this article try to prove the following statements.
If a drawer contains a large number of socks of the same colour but two different sizes, and I take out three of the socks, then two of these will make a pair.

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J61 A strip of pasture land is divided into three paddocks whose areas are 35 acreas, 10 acres and 65 acres.

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J51 Prove that a number which consists of 3n equal digits is divisible by 3n.

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The front tyres of a car last for 25,000 miles, the back tyres for 15,000 miles. After a number of miles the front and back tyres are interchanged. What is the maximum mileage obtainable without buying new tyres?

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In 1782 the Swiss mathematician, Leonard Euler, perhaps the greatest mathematician of the eighteenth century, published a paper bearing the title "On a New Type of Magic Square".

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J71 Find a four digit number which on division by 149 leaves a remainder of 17 and on division by 148 leaves a remainder of 29.

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J61 A strip of pasture land is divided into three paddocks whose areas are 35 acreas, 10 acres and 65 acres.

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Let a,b,c,d,e,f represent the integers 1 to 6 in some order. If a+b

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